Friday, November 19, 2004

The Looming Iranian Crisis

It's amazing that the broadcast stations are focusing on Specter, the Cabinet and the Clinton library, and virtually ignoring the DeLay crime syndicate and the Iranian nucular threat.

From today's NY Times:
A European diplomat familiar with the British-French-German initiative said they were also pessimistic that Iran would back off its nuclear ambitions, but that they had no choice but to engage Iran because military options were distasteful or impractical after the troubled invasion and occupation of Iraq.

American policy is truly non-existent. They literally have their heads up their ass. They have no idea what to do, who to turn to (they've even contemplated working with the UN!!), or how to get the Iranians to come to the table.
On the other hand, many in the administration say that Iran is not likely to enter into talks with the United States, as the Europeans want, because the revolutionary clerics who control the government are unalterably opposed to engaging with a country it considers the enemy.


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