Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Flamboyant Republican Arthur Finkelstein Bashes Bush

Wow. This is via The Note, who got it from the NY Post.

Arthur Finkelstein, NY Governor Pataki's top political advisor and successful advisor in several Israeli elections, was interviewed last Friday in the Israeli paper Maariv and basically tore Bush a new one. Among his many claims was that the Republican party, and therefore the American government, has been hijacked by the far-right.

Shocking? Hardly.
"Bush's victory not only establishes the power of the American Christian right in this candidacy, but in fact established its power to elect the next Republican president."
Finkelstein also accused Bush of trying to "dictate to America how to live and what to believe in." Other notable points: Bush is more interesting in banning abortion than he is in winning the war in Iraq; more interested in banning gay marriages than improving the American economy.


My favorite part in the NY Post article part is at the end:

A prominent Republican familiar with the interview called Finkelstein's comments "a big embarrassment for Pataki.

"Arthur isn't comfortable being a Republican anymore when he's so unhappy with our success and that's why he's so flamboyantly bashing the president."

Interesting choice of the word "flamboyant". Finkelstein is gay.

I have to admire Republican party operatives' discipline in sticking to message. They don't excoriate their losers, but they murder dissenters. When somebody dissents, they discredit him (in this case by highlighting his homosexuality, which in the Republican party, is reason to be discredited). It's the polar opposite of Democrats. They welcome debate, but eviscerate election losers, although in this case Kerry might be disprove that theory with a victorious return to the Senate.

Update: NY Times writes about it a day later.

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