Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Doc Rice? REALLY!?!

Day 1 has been a pretty shitty day for Doc Rice, so far. And sadly, as a mindless-drone, she's going to have to rely on Bush for her marching orders. What is she going to tackle first?

The announcement of Russia's new nucular missle?
Saudi Arabian terrorist financing?
The Iranian/EU deal? It seems the National Council for Resistance in Iran has announced that the Iranians are lying. We don't like the NCRI, but they're good at gathering intelligence.
How about the bombings in Argentina this morning?
No, wait, how about Margaret Hassan?

Poor Condi.

And in other news, Zarqawi has moved to Mosul. Things are calm now, apparently. Another battle won?
And the NY Times editorial about why we can't win against an insurgency is fascinating.

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