Thursday, November 11, 2004

Iran, Forrest, Iran!!!!

Iran is the new Iraq.

Everyone's GOT to have an opinion on Iran these days. Where to begin? There's not much to say. We're screwed. They're going to make promises to the Euros, they'll stall for time, and go nucular. There's not much more to it. And there's not a damn thing we can do about it.

Iraq has been such a fiasco that we have lost total threat credibility. If we threaten them, I guarantee that their response will be, "Go ahead! We dare you!!". Since we know "for a fact" that there will be no draft, where are we going to get the soldiers? We also know we can't pay for another invasion/occupation. Not to mention that Iran is 4 times the land mass and three times the population of Iraq. AND we don't even know where the reactors are. At least in Iraq, we sort of knew because of 10 years of inspections. AND, I am willing to bet money that we will get NO COALITION.

William F. Buckley agrees.

As does the Economist.

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