Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Exchanging a pearl for a lollipop

NY Times reports on the "agreement" reached by Europe and Iran on the suspension of Iran's nucular ambitions.

Are they serious?

Here, we'll give you whatever you want. More trade? More money? What do you need? Just please stop enriching uranium (so openly) or Uncle Sam will get really really mad at us for being such shitty negotiators. But don't worry, he's too weak to do anything to you. We know you want WTO membership, but Uncle Sam said no. You kidnapped some of his kids 30 years ago, and he said you can't trade with us. But we'll trade with you anyway. Just please stop embarrassing us.

Buried at the end of the article is the money quote:

Making concessions on its nuclear program has been widely unpopular inside Iran, and Mr. Rowhani was put on the defensive by conservative Iranian journalists.

When a reporter for the official Islamic Republic News Agency remarked, "The reason Iran has given so many concessions is because the Iranian team was weak," Mr. Rowhani replied that the country's best diplomats had conducted the negotiations and "this is the outcome of our best diplomacy."

Another Iranian journalist cited an interview in an Iranian newspaper that accused Iran of giving "a pearl in exchange for a lollipop."

"That's not true," Mr. Rowhani shot back.

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