Monday, September 22, 2008

The Shock Doctrine

One of my favorite authors, Naomi Klein (NO LOGO, and THE SHOCK DOCTRINE), had a face off with libertarian commentator Andrew Sullivan.

Klein’s book, "The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism," outlines how crises, real or perceived, have been used by governments, especially the United States under George W. Bush, to strong-arm a disoriented citizenry into accepting changes to its rights, and its government, that it wouldn't otherwise accept.

But Andrew Sullivan of disagreed with Klein that a few "demonized" companies were at fault when the real culprit behind the mortgage crisis has been:

"[The American people] have spent and borrowed more than they could actually support," Sullivan said. "…To some extent, the American people are responsible for the crisis they are currently in."

Klein quickly shot back her own rebuttal.

"The reason why this bubble was allowed to inflate is not because the American people demanded it, it was because it was spectacularly profitable for Wall Street," Klein said.
Boo ya!

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