Thursday, September 25, 2008

Lynn Forester de Rothschild

This woman is infuriating.  A lifelong Democrat, she has ditched Obama, not for one of the many reasons you hear about like experience, or racism, etc, but because she thinks he is an elitist.  Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, the American 3rd wife of Evelyn de Rothschild, who lives in Ascot House in Buckinghamshire, has called Barack Obama an elitist.

Maybe it's me, but since when is being half-African, half-Mid-Western, raised on food stamps by your grandmother, pulling yourself up by your bootstraps and making it to Harvard (without disclosing his race on the application, mind you), graduating summa cum laude, rejecting the big Wall Street Jobs and going to work with poor people in the south side of Chicago, considered ELITE?

An elitist would be someone who graduated at the bottom of his class at a school he got into because of legacy, then ditching his first wife after she was in a horrible accident, and marrying super wealthy.  No wonder Lynn and McCain get along so well.

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