Tuesday, September 09, 2008

I'm back

I haven’t written in quite some time, but this election has me fired up again. I’m infuriated, frustrated, and am shocked that people are falling for the same old tricks. We’ve just been through 8 abysmal years of American History, and people are wanting more. Has there ever been a comparable stretch of such mediocrity in the White House?

The Spectacle of the Republican Convention

Now we have a man who is trying to claim the change message, when he’s been part of the problem for over 30 years!!! Does anyone see a problem with this? He has 139 lobbyists in his team. SERIOUSLY.

As Bob Herbert said:
Mr. McCain spoke at the end of a day in which stock market indexes plunged. The next morning the Labor Department gave us the grim news that another 84,000 jobs had been lost in August, and that the official unemployment rate had climbed to 6.1 percent — the highest in five years.
And McCain’s buddy Phil Gramm, the ultimate insider, STILL says we are a nation of whiners and is STILL an important part of McCain’s team. When the economy is in such a mess, why would we go with his team?

The image of Mitt Romney railing against Eastern elites?! He’s a mutli millionaire from Massachusetts? Am I missing something? And what’s wrong with Eastern Elites?! They pay for everything!

And there were NO policy proposals for change! NOTHING! It was just snide remarks, and one liners. Is this what we need in this country right now?

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